Maybe it's a sign... A good sign! Two days ago we had the cutest bunnies in our backyard. Although we are not supposed to I fed them some carrots. A few hours later after Matt picked me up from work there was another bunny in our front yard. I decided to feed him my only snack in the car, walnuts! Who knew those like guys liked walnuts. He nearly licked his chops and begged for more.
I'm not sure what made me think of this but I googled the meaning of bunnies. I nearly had tears in my eyes.
"Traditionally, rabbits are associated with fertility, sentiment, desire, and procreation. All of us know the power of population the rabbit has - they are legendary for their ability to reproduce fast and furiously. For that same reason, the rabbit is a perfect symbol. The rabbit is also a symbol of Ostara an ancient fertility goddess whose symbols are rabbits, various flowers and eggs (more life/growth/fertility themes!)".
Perhaps the rabbit has always been my good luck charm and I didn't know it. When I found out I was pregnant with baby Collin my first baby purchase was a cute Bunnies By The Bay bunny blanket. It has always held a special place in my heart. Maybe a stretch of hope but perhaps he's watching over us so that he can one day see a little brother or sister.
Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I think the bunnies are bringing us good luck! I had my ultrasound yesterday and had 16 follicles! In nearly 2 days I went from 2 follicles to 16. I have my next appointment tomorrow to see where things stand.