
Friday, August 29, 2014

Making a Baby!

I remember a few years ago when Matt and I started talking about wanting kids.  I remember hearing funny stories of how friends and family members were conceived.  I always kind of wondered how my own children would be conceived... I always  had imagined it would have entailed a night with a little too much wine and you know what.

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine getting pregnant and it looking like this ( see pics below)!  
We have been down this road before but it makes me giggle just a little to know that this crazy garb is part of the process of getting "knocked up."  

I am happy to announce that our perfect little embryo made it through the thawing process and we implanted it yesterday!  If you were wondering what an embryo looks like here he or she is
God decided to provide a beautiful sunny day for implantation day!  Dr. Morris ( our reproductive endocrinologist) said that the embryo looked great and that the picture above shows the embryo hatching, another good sign.  So now we begin yet another waiting game and see in about a week and a half whether or not the embryo implanted.  We've gotten over a few hurdles and now have to patiently wait for the next step!  I am staying home this Labor Day weekend resting and imagining my little embryo burrowing down deeply into its new home.  

Matt and I both laughed yesterday at the thought of our Angel baby, Collin, talking to the new embryo and telling him/her how wonderful his/her new home is ( my uterus) and that they made some great additions ( a transabdominal cerclage).  We imagined that my uterus feels as soft as the potterybarn blanket I own and cannot imagine why anyone wouldn't want to nestle down for a 9 month nap.  So hopefully by next week we will know if all of this has worked.  We are praying that god continues to watch over us and provide a miracle to grow and develop over the next 9 months! 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Twins?  No, not me! However, I cracked an egg for breakfast the other morning and to my surprise twin yolks!  Two days later, twins again!  Matt even had twin yolks this weekend.  Maybe it's fate or good signs to come?  

I took a little hiatus from blogging!  I was mad about my results and didn't really know what was going to happen.  So two months later and a total test to our patience we finally have ONE beautiful little frozen embryo that is totally normal and good to implant.  

How exciting right?  Well not so fast... This embryo has one huge step before we can implant.  It has to make the thaw in order for us to be able to implant it.  So for the past 4.5 weeks I have been preparing my body with lots of hormones and getting ready for the implantation to occur.  

I am scheduled to have the embryo transferred Thursday August 28, 2014.  I am totally thrilled yet scared out of my mind.  I won't know if the embryo "made it" or not until the morning of! So in the mean time I am stuck hoping, praying, and pleading to god that this ONE and only little frosty ( aka the embryo) is a tough one!

So I ask you to pray for us.  Pray for our embryologist who has to thaw the embryo.  And pray that the embryo makes it and implants! 

What a roller coaster of emotions!  From happy tears to tears of fear and anger I am once again riding out gods little plan and realizing that making a family really is not in my hands nor will it ever be.  Hopefully Matt and I will be able to celebrate in a few weeks that we are once again pregnant and one step closer to bringing a baby home!