Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine getting pregnant and it looking like this ( see pics below)!
We have been down this road before but it makes me giggle just a little to know that this crazy garb is part of the process of getting "knocked up."
I am happy to announce that our perfect little embryo made it through the thawing process and we implanted it yesterday! If you were wondering what an embryo looks like here he or she is
God decided to provide a beautiful sunny day for implantation day! Dr. Morris ( our reproductive endocrinologist) said that the embryo looked great and that the picture above shows the embryo hatching, another good sign. So now we begin yet another waiting game and see in about a week and a half whether or not the embryo implanted. We've gotten over a few hurdles and now have to patiently wait for the next step! I am staying home this Labor Day weekend resting and imagining my little embryo burrowing down deeply into its new home.
Matt and I both laughed yesterday at the thought of our Angel baby, Collin, talking to the new embryo and telling him/her how wonderful his/her new home is ( my uterus) and that they made some great additions ( a transabdominal cerclage). We imagined that my uterus feels as soft as the potterybarn blanket I own and cannot imagine why anyone wouldn't want to nestle down for a 9 month nap. So hopefully by next week we will know if all of this has worked. We are praying that god continues to watch over us and provide a miracle to grow and develop over the next 9 months!