It's quite the process. Lots of legalities when trying to have or make a baby the totally unconventional way. So this is where we stand...
1. Picked an egg donor
2. Reached out to the donor agency and selected our donor aka baby momma
3. Selected a lawyer... Oh yes custody! We wouldn't want baby momma coming and chasing down her DNA after I've carried and birthed the child. So thus far we have only signed our contract agreement with the donor agency and agreed upon a final amount that we will owe
4. Paid the initial fee to the donor agency of $$$$.... It's all worth it right???
5. Baby momma had her psych evaluation!!! Yay she is normal. Check that one off the list!!
6. Matt and Jenn visit the shrink in Naperville! Yes we too have to have a psych evaluation to ensure we are mentally ok. Matt and I about died when we heard that we had to go. Seriously lady if 5 miscarriages one at 5.5 months and almost 3 years of trying to have a kid haven't put us in the loony bin than I think we are ok. We've done part one of our visit and have another appointment next week. Thank you modern medicine for "billing" for two appointments because we "ran out of time to answer all of the questions". So thus far we think we've passed... Next week will really be the test
7. Now we wait... Baby momma should be expecting her period, I mean Aunt Flo, next week. Once she gets her period, on the 3rd day of her period she will go to a local clinic close to her hometown and get blood work and an ultrasound
If all of that is good... Next step is for her to come to Chicago to meet with Dr. Miller and get more testing done. So many steps to ensure she is a good match. Thus far it looks like we will be starting ivf injections the end of July and then implanting in August with hopefully two really good embryos. Twins wouldn't be so bad right ?