I’ve decided I need to start blogging my days more often. I don’t know if I can truly capture how crazy my days are but I’ll do my best. Being a mom to two toddler twin girls just keeps getting better, busier, and funnier by the day. Emma especially keeps me on my toes. I’m just waiting for the moment I call Matt and say “we’re headed to the ER because of...”
So anyways.. it’s Thursday no big deal, your typical day. It starts out like this

Monkey Maddie and Monkey Emma enjoying their new prizes from Dad... a free back scratcher he got from a golf event yesterday. Oh and did I mention they know how to climb on the furniture now! And why wouldn’t the window sill be the perfect place to play
On Thursdays I go to a little church moms group so I decided to shower and get ready. Heaven for bid I let these little girls out of my site while I shower so during the 5 minutes I was in there they completely demolished the bathroom. TP everywhere, every dental floss pick on the ground, anything in my drawer emptied. While they may not be tall enough to see anything they’ve discovered that tip toes and creeping hands can do magical things.
Once I finished my shower I opened the bathroom door so they could roam free. During the 2 minutes I was getting dressed Emma found a candle, broke it, and put the glass in her mouth. I only discovered this when I laid her down to change her diaper that she had pieces of glass in her mouth. My heart skipped twenty four beats but thankfully she didn’t swallow any.
We then proceeded downstairs. Maddie girl discovered that if she pulled the pirate booty snack bag down it made a perfect step so she could reach more things to pull off the kitchen pantry shelves.
Fast forward to after lunch Emma insisted on getting into her high chair by herself.. which is a relatively new discovery and talent of hers.
One that I don’t like one bit because she’s yet to figure out how to SAFELY get down.
The next big adventure of the day was the park. Just while I think things are going great Emma wanders over to a park bench while Maddie is on top of the play place. No big deal right... WRONG. Some dumb Mom left her child’s soppy cup with god only knows what in it and I can’t leave Maddie or else I risk her falling about 6 feet. These are the every day challenges a twin Mom faces. Do you let your child drink what appears to be probably spoiled milk because your other child is on the play place. Or do you leave your child who is on the play place hoping and praying she’ll just go safely down the slide by herself and not toward the open part and fall 6 feet to run over and pull god only knows what away from the other. Well I chose Maddie over Emma and who knows if and what she drank 🤢.
And to my one last and final touch of the day I was in my bedroom putting some clothes away and the girls were roaming the other rooms upstairs ... crash .. tumble of course Emma. Laying on the bathroom floor crying. Who knows if she was on top of the toilet or on top of the edge of the bathtub but again the poor child took a tumble.
And there you have it folks... just a typical Thursday in the life adventure of Emma and Maddie. Now excuse me while I go pour myself a glass of wine