The Road Less Traveled
Our Journey through Life and Infertility
Friday, May 11, 2018
13 weeks
Friday, April 6, 2018
And so it begins
I’ve been waiting to update my blog because I wasn’t sure how things were going to go. I implanted on February 26 and 10 days later had my first blood hcg (pregnancy blood ) test. And the results ... POSITIVE. A few days later I had another blood hcg test and that too was POSITIVE.
So once I saw two positive blood test results the reality of being pregnant with twins kind of set in. 3 under 3 could really be my reality. Holy shit what were we thinking was my original thought. Then I remembered I actually did want this to happen and it is a good thing.
I really thought since I’ve gone through all of this before that this round would be easier. I initially felt calmer but day by day week by week I feel just as anxious as I did with the girls. Pregnancy is such a treasured thing for most. For me it’s a task. A task I utterly despise and brings back so many awful memories I get sick just thinking about it.
Today marks 8 weeks 2 days and so far things look good. I have had three ultrasounds, all showing a teeny tiny heartbeat. It makes it so much more real and raw when you hear the heartbeat.
I “graduated” from my in vitro doctor and in a few weeks will be going to my high risk ob in the city. For now I’m planning to deliver again in Chicago but I may choose to switch. It’s a lot harder to manage my appointments now that I’ve got two toddlers to take care of and coordinate who is going to watch them.
So for now I’m “still pregnant!” Let’s hope it continues. Thankfully I feel much better than I did woh the girls. I’ve got some morning queasiness / Emory stomach queasiness but as long as my belly stays full I feel ok. A little annoying for me to eat all of the time (since you know I’m a little weight / health conscious) but I’ll do what I need to do to keep my head from not hanging over the porcelain princess.
Keep praying for us. While I navigate this journey and have enough energy to take care of the girls.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Family of 5? We are hoping!
The only thing that keeps me going while trying to build and complete our family is humor. Some people find lingerie as their fitting garb while trying to make a baby. Well me, I prefer the boofant and hospital gown!!
Here Matt and I are pre-implantation !
Yesterday Matt and I implanted ONE yep that is right just ONE little frosty baby. It’s funny to think that the potential baby growing inside me (fingers crossed) was conceived almost 2 years ago. Science and technology are just amazing and I feel so blessed to have such amazing opportunities to help us expand our family.
This time around has been different. I barely had any time to think about the process because I’ve been chasing two little monkeys around every day. I also had to plan out what I was going to do with the girls during the procedure and then after. Thankfully my mother and father-in-law were gracious enough to take me up on the offer and have filled in. My doctor requires a strict lounge / bed rest day following the transfer so I have had to depend on them to keep the girls fed, changed, occupied, and alive! They seem to be doing just fine without mommy.
So for now I’m just here waiting... and waiting... and waiting for 2 weeks to see if this little frosty baby is going to be a baby! Time will tell. Keep praying! And also pray for one NOT two this time !!
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Moving right a long
I had another appointment today and all looked good. They measure your endometrial lining (I’d call it the nice cushy pillow your little baby aka embryo is going to take a nice long winters nap in) and want it to be more than 9. Mine looked good at 14!! They also checked my hormone levels (progesterone and estrogen) and those looked good. So tonight I get to start progesterone shots! Yiippeee NOT. These things hurt like hell and go right smack dab into your booty! I’ll take them if it will get me another baby but dang hey hurt!
I get to stop taking my morning lupron shot which I’m super happy about. This shot affected me much differently than last time. They gave me horrible muscle cramps. I felt like every night I finished running a half marathon. Except I didn’t run and I didn’t get the benefits of exercise... just pain. Oh wel. I’m glad to be done with those and moving on.
We are right on track and will be implementing February 26. Gulp! I can’t believe how fast this round went. Funny how before when that was all I was focusing on it felt like an eternity. This time around since I have barely had time to even think about it as the days get near I’m getting more and more nervous about feeling ready for another baby. But I am... well I think I am... ready. Hopefully god has great plans for Matt and I. We are hoping this round works and w can welcome a new baby brother or sister Home hopefully late October / early November !! Time will tell! Keep praying for us... life is hopefully about to get a lot crazier than it already is.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
And that’s a wrap
I finished my birth control last week so I can check that one off the to do list. I started my lupron shots on the 23 and my oh my how quickly this is all coming back to me. It’s crazy what fake hormones do to me. I feel much more tired, irritable, and emotional. Matt glanced over at me during the Stateof the Union speech last night and I was crying. He just rolled his eyes, snapped a picture, and laughed. Albeit they were clapping for a family that had lost his son (hello yes it was sad) but most people don’t cry during the state of the union speech. My stomach also feels bloated like 10 pounds heavier bloated. Not to mention the good ole bruising on my tummy is back !
Just waiting for lovely Aunt Flo to start the next step of my medication. Stay tuned