
Friday, April 6, 2018

And so it begins

I’ve been waiting to update my blog because I wasn’t sure how things were going to go.  I implanted on February 26 and 10 days later had my first blood hcg (pregnancy blood ) test. And the results ... POSITIVE.  A few days later I had another blood hcg test and that too was POSITIVE.  

So once I saw two positive blood test results the reality of being pregnant with twins kind of set in. 3 under 3 could really be my reality.  Holy shit what were we thinking was my original thought.  Then I remembered I actually did want this to happen and it is a good thing.  

  I really thought since I’ve gone through all of this before that this round would be easier.  I initially felt calmer but day by day week by week I feel just as anxious as I did with the girls.  Pregnancy is such a treasured thing for most.  For me it’s a task.  A task I utterly despise and brings back so many awful memories I get sick just thinking about it.  

Today marks 8 weeks 2 days and so far things look good.  I have had three ultrasounds, all showing a teeny tiny heartbeat.  It makes it so much more real and raw when you hear the heartbeat.  

I “graduated” from my in vitro doctor and in a few weeks will be going to my high risk ob in the city.  For now I’m planning to deliver again in Chicago but I may choose to switch.  It’s a lot harder to manage my appointments now that I’ve got two toddlers to take care of and coordinate who is going to watch them.  

So for now I’m “still pregnant!”  Let’s hope it continues.  Thankfully I feel much better than I did woh the girls.  I’ve got some morning queasiness / Emory stomach queasiness but as long as my belly stays full I feel ok.  A little annoying for me to eat all of the time (since you know I’m a little weight / health conscious) but I’ll do what I need to do to keep my head from not hanging over the porcelain princess.  

Keep praying for us.  While I navigate this journey and have enough energy to take care of the girls.  


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