The babies are acquiring a few funny nicknames. A co-worker nicknamed them Ethan and Alan. My brother nicknamed them porkchop # 1 and #2. I still call them Twin A and Twin B but hopefully one day we can name these little miracles.
Week 15 was pretty uneventful but I did reach a big milestone and had way less nausea and vomiting. When you go from puking so much to having days of absolutely none it's a beautiful thing.
I had my 16 week ultrasound on Thursday and shared the experience with my mom since hubs was out of town on a business trip. I had a good clean report which is always a sigh of relief but every time I walk into the doctors office I just fear bad news.
I had my ultrasound first and then doctors appointment right after. Since I'm high risk I have an ultrasound with every appointment but there is a plus... You get to see your cute little babies grow.
Twin A is on my right side and Twin B is on my left. They both are measuring and looking great. I was with my mom and didn't want to find the sex out with her (I do love her dearly but come on, there are just some things that you do with your husband and not your mom) so we turned our head and closed our eyes when she looked between the babies legs. Soooo it's still a mystery as to what they are. Baby A I thought was a boy last time because "he" was moving around so much but Twin B was the wild one this time so I am really not sure if it's a boy/girl, boy/boy, or girl/girl combination.
After my ultrasound appointment I met with my ob and the PA and had a nice appointment. He has decided to switch my back to progesterone shots to help keep my uterus quite and hopefully prevent any early contractions and I get to stop the progesterone vaginal suppositories. I'm really not sure which one is worse. My butt thanks me for not poking it twice a day but my little lady part is not since I have to give her a pill the size of a horse and let it melt... you can only imagine. So now whenever I get the medicine, it's called Makena, I will have hubs give me a nice gigantic butt shot again BUT this time it's just once a week.
He was going to have me come again in 4 weeks since everything was good but before he settled on that he asked me how I felt. I told him I was super anxious and freaking out because last time after my 16 week appointment was when everything spiraled out of control and my life changed forever. After I told him I had a normal ob appointment at 16 weeks, a normal anatomy scan at 19 weeks, and went into labor at 20, it was enough to change his mind. He said he wanted me to come back in two weeks rather than 4 to check my cervical length, fluid levels, and to just make sure everything was still ok.
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