They are definitely keeping me busy so hence why I am lacking on my blog updates. Sometimes they nap together and sometimes they don't but my teeny tiny newborns are getting bigger and are much more awake and alert these days.
So 3 months. We went to the doctor last week and they were both 23 inches. Maddie weighed 9.13 lbs and Emma weighed 9.10 lbs. Emma is in the 1 percentile for weight and Maddie us in the 2 percentile for weight and they both are in the 27 percentile for height. Although little they are meeting their milestones and gaining a pound and a tiny bit more just like they should each month.
I'm finally starting to get the hang of being a mom to twins and figuring out how to time things so I can get out of the house, have happy full bellies babies, good nappers, and good night time sleepers.
Although it is still a challenge to leave and get out of the house I am doing better and having less anxiety and the girls are screaming less.
It's been fun to finally have babies that smile and coo and try to laugh when they think something is funny. Matt loves it too. Now we are just waiting for that first giggle from both.
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