What a whirlwind life seems to be these days. We enjoyed a nice week home for the Thanksgiving Holidays. A bit hectic and chaotic because we stayed at my parents house and went back and forth between their house and my in-laws. A bit different with two in tow. Poor Matt was like a donkey with a backpack walking up a mountain. Pack and in pack pack and unpack. And if you know me... I don't travel lightly. I'm a "I need this just in case girl". But all in all it was nice to see everyone... Cousins, friends, family, grandparents, etc....
We even had a family photo shoot. Here is our latest family pic.

I cannot believe the girls are 4.5 months!!! Where has the time gone.
Anyway this week I've been frantically trying to whip our house into shape. Getting everything decorated, house cleaned, and food prepped for a Christmas Party Matt and I are hosting tonight. A little harder to get things pulled together but I think I may actually pull this one off. Please pray I do. We are doing well over here. We will be traveling home to the Mitten again for Christmas so if you want to see us let me know!!!

So happy to be able to hang more than two stockings his year. I've waited a long time!!!
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