
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Church and Facebook

It's amazing how so many times in my life I have asked for an answer or prayed for a miracle to happen yet neither thing has ever happened.  Matt and I have been going to church more and have really fell in love with Naperville Presbyterian Church.  The pastor is AMAZING and the people are even better!

Today at church I couldn't have asked for a better message or sign from God.  Our pastor preached about Matthew chapter 7 verse 7-11.   The message was about "ask and it will be given."  Which our pastor preached about how so many times in our life we ask for something yet we don't get the answer we had hoped for.  He preached that in the bible if we continue to ask, are persistent, and come with open arms that one day it will all work out.  He preached that one day that whatever you are asking and praying for and all of the hardship that you have to go through will pay off because one day with clarity it will all make sense.

So later while on Facebook I came across a poem that one of my fellow Balanced Translocation buddies (I belong to a little support group on Facebook) had posted and it really connected my prayer for a child and the message from church.  Here it is.....
So I am going to take this as a positive sign in my life.  That all of this is happening for a reason and that one day our house will be filled with lots of tears from beautiful little babies and not my own!


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