I had been waiting for the donor to get her period and for me to get mine. I was about a week late (and yes I freaked out and took like 12 ok maybe 13 tests just to make sure I was not pregnant) but finally I got my period on Saturday. I think the stress and anticipation of what is about to happen got the best of my hormones. I got an e-mail on Monday from our agency letting us know that the donor had gotten hers on Sunday and would be going in for blood work and an ultrasound on Tuesday. In my head I thought PERFECT she and I are already in sync with our cycles.
Yesterday I got a call from the nurse stating that yes the donor had gotten her period, but it was really light. According to the blood hormone levels it wasn't really what they would call a true period but they were adding on one more test to confirm this.
Soo today the nurse from Dr. Miller's office called me and told me that based off of her labs and the add on testing and ultrasound that it really wasn't a true period and more like breath through bleeding or light spotting and not the real deal.
Nooo, of course I thought but this time rather than crying (like I normally do when something goes wrong) I told the nurse that I would wait to hear from her in a few weeks. Rather than get so stressed out about waiting longer I am just trying to go with the flow and let nature take its course here. I would rather our baby mama's levels look great before we spend the money and pump her full of hormones to try and produce a baby!
Hopefully she will get her period soon, and hopefully next time her levels look good. If this is the case, than we most likely can still start in November. Fingers and toes crossed because I REALLY don't want to wait until December or later to implant.
Until next time, or month, or whenever this is going to happen I keep praying!!

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