
Sunday, April 10, 2016

24 week doctor appointment

Well the girls behaved again while they got their picture taken.  Just kidding.  That's what Matt said about this weeks doctor appointment and ultrasound.  I had my 24 week check-up and all is well in the womb.  The baby girls are growing nicely and just under 1.5 pounds each.  Baby A was 1.4 pounds and I didn't get Baby B's weight.   I'm still feeling ok but am feeling myself slowing down a little.  Matt noticed that I no longer walk as fast as I used to.  For anyone who knows me my "normal" walk is a power walk and I'm currently about as fast as a turtle.  I even get past by the grey haired ladies these days.  It's not that I cannot walk that fast I can, it's just uncomfortable and my stomach does this squishing movement that I do not like so I'd prefer to listen to my body and slow down albeit kind of hard to do.  

24 weeks marks my first goal for myself that I wanted to reach in this pregnancy.  The babies are now considered viable and if I went into labor they would be micropremies in the NICU, but big enough to try and save and grow in a controlled environment.  Although I would prefer to not go into labor for another 12-14 weeks part of me is proud of my body and for us ( Matt and me) for trying everything possible to have me carry our own children.  

So many times during the 5 losses and 5 rounds of in vitro and multiple drugs, shots, and pokes I've questioned whether what I have put my body through will be worth it.  The further I get the more I realize it is and will be.  

I've been thinking a lot lately about what life would be like if I had a two year old running around my house.  That is how old Collin should be had he been born on his due date of April 1,2014.  I get real tearful thinking about him and what life should be like but then I realize it was just not part of gods plan for Matt and me.  Maybe one day I'll know why but for now I resonate with the beautiful things this journey has given me and I find peace and happiness in that.  It's ironic how tragedy can be a beautiful thing, but I am learning that it really can be. It's just not always easy.  

I just have to keep my head high and the positive vibes going with this pregnancy.  July will be here before I know it.  I'm slowly making this pregnancy more real and Matt and I are slowly getting things ready for the girls.  We started working a little more on the nursery this week.  It still scares me half to death to do anything but I also cannot be 36 weeks pregnant without twins and just starting to get things ready.... I'll be kicking myself (and Matt) for waiting.  So I am taking the advice of my twin friends/acquaintances and starting sooner rather than later.  

Here are some pictures from this weeks ultrasound.  They are still a little creepy and alien like but the 3D pictures are showing the babies looking more like true babies and less like an embryo or fetus.  


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