Most brother sister siblings don't talk too many details about infertility but I've shared quite a bit with him. I died laughing when I told him I cannot believe it will be about 4 years since Matt and I started trying by the time I have the girls. His response... Classic... "Oh wow it's only been 4 years? I thought it was more like 7"
I about died when he said 7 but his point was valid. 5 miscarriages and 5 rounds of Ivf, one would think it's been longer. It made me think about how "normal" my "abnormal" life has been. How having more than 2 miscarriages consecutively is normal to me and totally unheard of to most. I suppose it's a good thing I have a solid relationship with Matt or else I would have definitely ended up in the looney bin.
This week marks 25 and I've got to say, it's all becoming more real. Part of me can't wait to hug and kiss their little faces and part of me is scared shitless. I woke up in the middle of the night in sheer panic the other night thinking " oh my goodness how in the world am I going to feed and burp two babies in the middle of the night?"
I told Matt my worries and he's promised me he will help! Assembly line style. I'm sure it's going to get more real each week but hopefully I don't panic or else I'm going to be a wreck by the time Dr. Ismail is yanking those little girls from me.
Oh and I'm also feeling bigger by the day but anyone who sees me that I'm pregnant with twins seems to disagree.. It's all relative though right!

How Far Along: 25 weeks 1 day
Total weight gained: 28 pounds
Cravings: pina coladas, slushies, and plums
Stretch Marks: nope
Sleep: I am still not sleeping well. It's a rare thing if I sleep sound. If I do I must be real sleepy. I do a lot of thinking and praying in the middle of the night
Nausea or Queasy: I cannot even believe it but it's been 2 weeks since I've puked!
Wedding rings on or off: on, although it's getting warmer and they are getting tighter
Signs of labor: no, but I've felt some Braxton hicks every now and then
Gender: 2 baby girls
Looking forward to: finishing the nursery,
Belly Button in or out: in
Movement: yes, getting stronger. Even Matt can feel the difference and if you watch carefully you can see my tummy move,
Baby Dreams: I can't remember Complaints: I just have that right sided pain that won't go away
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