Well the baby girls thought that June 21st or June 22nd would have been a great day to make their debut into this world but my doctors thought otherwise. I woke up Monday night with pain and cramping that was not going away so at 3:00 am Matt and I headed into the city to check things out. I have to be a little extra cautious and give myself plenty of time to get to the hospital because we live in the suburbs and we have to drive all the way to the city for the delivery... I know I'm crazy for picking a doctor so far away but I'm only doing it because I fully trust my doctor there and didn't want to pick a new one when we moved to the burbs.
Once we got to the hospital they did determine I was having contractions and as close as 4 minutes apart at one point. They determined that the babies were safe and my cervix was not dilated (super hard to tell because I have a surgically placed band that prevents me from dilating) from what they could tell and I didn't need an emergency c-section. 34.3 week babies do great but if possible they wanted to keep them in a little longer. So the plan was to just wait and see what happens. I was either going to fully go into labor or my body was going to stop them. Well wouldn't you know... With a little help from medicine and iv fluids they slowed down. So back home I went and now I am literally just taking it day by day to see when these little ladies want to pull a fast one and enter the world. He said he would deliver me at 36, 37, or 38 weeks so I have just a tiny bit more to go....
I was not real happy the moment when the doctor told me they were just going to watch me and not deliver the babies... Hello contractions = pain and all they care about is the babies but not the mom. I toughed it out.... I had a natural labor with my 22.5 week delivery so it wasn't nearly as bad as that and I knew I would be fine.
So for the next week I am taking a medicine called procardia to hopefully help me get to 36 weeks. The only downfall of this medicine.... It's making me swell and makes me tired. The tired part I can live with, I can sleep to pass the time, but the swelling is annoying. In Jenn fashion here are some pictures from my week.
On a positive note we did have a growth scan and the girls are still growing! Baby A is 5.01 pounds and in the 23rd % and Baby B is 4.13 pounds and in the 15th %. So little but not small enough that they are worried about their growth!!

Pretending I don't really want this... Well kind of

Look closely... You see the crease. The beginning of cankles !!!

I didn't want my picture taken. Matt didn't care.

Growing belly and happy to go home!