I had my 33 week appointment this week which consisted of a non-stress test, biophysical profile ultrasound, and a doctor appointment. The girls passed both tests and my doctors appointment went well, everything is status quo for now. We even were able to finally get a good 3D image of one of the babies. Usually they are smushed against each other or against their sac and the picture doesn't come out. Only one of the babies cooperated but it's pretty cool.

Here is baby b. Curled up with her feet by her head. Matt and I think she's pretty cute. Look at those pouty little lips.
The only thing we will need to continue to watch is the babies growth ... They didn't didn't measure their weight this time, in a few weeks. We just need to keep them above the 10th percentile. And this time baby B had some increased pressure on her umbilical cord so they will continue to monitor. For now they are safe but if anything changes (no weight gain/growth) or the pressure increases they will be here before their July 18th due date.
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