Hard to tell in the picture but just this past week it feels like my stomach is starting to drop a little. I have felt some pain and cramping here and there but nothing constant like I did before. So perhaps these little ones will be here before July 18. Matt and I are hoping that they come in about a week or two... We will see when tnI y make their entrance.
Matt and I are enjoying the last little bit of time we have together as just us. We went on an ice cream date and sat downtown along the river walk in Naperville. We also hung a little book shelf in the girls room and have almost everything ready to go. The only thing left is getting the hospital bag packed... We have everything in piles just not in the bag. Here are some pictures from this weekend...
Here is Matt trying to get ready for these girls making sure he is strong enough to lift all of our "stuff"

How Far Along: 34 weeks 2 days
Total weight gained: 41 pounds
Cravings: mint chocolate chip ice cream sounded amazing today
Stretch Marks: nothing new
Sleep: I have slept ok this week. Just a lot of rolling from my left to my right side to get comfy. My stomach is feeling really heavy. I feel like I have a backpack of 35 pounds on my front.
Nausea or Queasy: oh man ... I am my own enemy. I brushed my teeth this morning and gagged myself and started liking yellow bile... That was fun. Another new experience was barely making it as I picked up Matt from the train station. I just pulled into the parking lot and puked in my mouth not once but twice. I was able to drive far enough to reach a sewer grate and puked more into the sewer... That was an all time low.
Wedding rings on or off: off
Signs of labor: some cramping here and there... Perhaps some light pelvic pressure.
Gender: 2 baby girls
Looking forward to: my doctor appointment on Thursday to see how much these girls have grown in the past couple of weeks
Belly Button in or out: in... Barely.
Movement: yes and lots of it. My belly rolls all over.
Baby Dreams: I had a weird dream yesterday. I must have been subconsciously thinking about my fears of a c-section. I had a dream that I was in Africa and having surgery in a tent. I needed an emergent lung surgery and while I was having surgery there they told me they would just go ahead and fix my knee since I had also noted it was giving me problems. Since I was in remote Africa they were not able to put me out so I was awake for the surgery. After the lung surgery was over I started having intense pain in my knee because the pain medicine and drowsy medication started to wear off. It was awful... I felt everything... And abruptly woke up. Complaints: just your typical complaints, swelling in fingers, back aches at night, night sweats, etc... Nothing too horrible this week
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