
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Post Baby Body Blues

It's only been one month but I'm feeling a little sad about my post baby body.  Yes I did just spend 10 months nurturing and carrying twins but I'm having a hard time looking in the mirror and smiling.  I'm sure with time I'll start to feel better but right now... All I see is yuck.  

I tried so hard to not get stretch marks but the last month of pregnancy really did a number on my stomach.  I don't need to have the tightest and most toned body but the amount of skin that's hanging right now I'm just not used to.  

Here was my tummy 1 day before giving birth .... And yes it is rather large... A perfect beach ball
And here is my tummy today... 
I am sure some of you reading this, that have had kids, know exactly what this looks and feels like.  I'm sure I will eventually embrace the cat scratch marks or baby battle wounds as I call them but it's hard to feel "beautiful" in a body that does not look like it did a few months back.  Thank god Matt has been supportive and keeps encouraging me to not dwell on it and see what I look like in 1 year.  I'll keep you all in the loop... until then I just needed to vent and complain about the ugly that goes with having twins or babies in general.  On a positive note I wouldn't trade them for the world !! 


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