So what have I been doing lately.... Hunkering my little booty on the couch, chair, bed... Hooters out.. And babies on the boob CONSTANTLY. It's not hard, it's just a bit boring and when you tandem feed and don't have one hand free, it never fails I always have an itch on my face or a piece of hair in my face.
So again the whole question of why am I breastfeeding comes to mind when I sit for 1-2 hours feeding these little lads and they don't seem content runs rampant through my mind. I've almost given up about 1000 times but over and over again, the girls, aka the boobs provide for my girls and I quickly forget the last melt down and move on.
Yesterday was a rough day though. We traveled back to Michigan to see friends and family but the girls definitely had had enough and were really fussy. It was a long car ride home with Emma screaming her head off that only continued with both of them when I got home. The girls were fine if they fed, but the minute I pulled them away... The tears, the crying, the screaming. They never really have my body a chance to make enough milk so I finally caved and gave them a big bottle and put them to bed. I think that was just what they and I needed because when all was said and done, this momma cried. Cried because I hate to hear them cry, cried because every time I give a bottle I feel like I'm failing, cried because I'm exhausted (did I mention twins are hard work), and cried because I just needed to cry. Well the girls slept quite a bit last night which to me told me they were definitely over tired from this weekend.
Speaking of this weekend as miserable as I made it sound... It actually was quite fun. We spent the weekend with my family, TJ and Erin made it and then my aunt carol and cousin Lexie came. We also got to see some good family friends and my babysitters from growing up. We watched the MSU game and hung out by the pool. My days are constantly surrounded by baby at home so it was a nice change of pace.
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