So what do I do now. Emma goes down for her two naps no problem. I breast feed both of them to sleep or at least to a drowsy state and put them in their cribs to nap. Emma might stir and within a few minutes she is out. Maddie on the other hand.... oh my my. She may nap great (praise God for those days) for a solid two hours. If she is having a bad napping day she will continue to cry or fuss until I hold her which also entails me whipping out my boob to comfort nurse her back to sleep and then she will sleep great in my arms.
Sometimes I can lay her back down to sleep in her own crib and then other times no way. I've tried the cry it out method... 5 minutes, 10, 20, etc.
The longer I make her go the more mad she gets. So for now I am embracing the needy baby as a way to slow down in life and enjoy this season as a mother. To love her, nurture her, and hold and rock her to sleep. The other part of me is thinking oh holy cow you idiot. You're creating a napping nightmare !! She will nap fine in the car or in the stroller so I guess I'll take the good with the bad for now.
The problem with this... I NEVER get anything done. The house always feels like a disaster or tornado has gone off.
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