I had my 28 week appointment and all is still well. The girls are growing and getting bigger. Baby A was 2.4 pounds and Baby B was 2.2. They are still quite tiny little peanuts and on the smaller side. According to my doctor they are "normal size" for twins and there is nothing to worry about. Baby B is quite a little wiggle worm and at every other appointment flips from laying head up or down. This time she was head up (breached) so we will see what position she is in in 3 weeks. Baby A is still head down, and hasn't budged. Neither has her placenta. It's still low lying, but not causing me any problems at this time.
I passed my glucose test. Yay for no diabetes and I go back in 3 weeks. At my next appointment I'll schedule my c-section. I cannot even believe how far I have come. It's still a little surreal but Matt and I are (cautiously) getting more and more excited each week.
The ultrasound pictures didn't turn out real great this week but here are a few. 

How Far Along: 28 weeks
Total weight gained: 34ish
Cravings: hmmm nothing special this week
Stretch Marks: still a no, thank goodness but man oh man the veins in my growing belly are getting icky, I am (no offense to the ladies who like being pregnant) a fan of a pregnant belly
Sleep: I actually slept really well the past week. I think I'm getting a little more tired these days so it makes sense.
Nausea or Queasy: unfortunately the vomiting is back... It's rough but thankfully only 1 time maybe 2 times per day but not every day. I have to be diligent with eating or else I get sick.
Wedding rings on or off: on
Signs of labor: nope
Gender: 2 baby girls
Looking forward to: finishing the last trimester just as I did the first and second
Belly Button in or out: in... Barely.
Movement: you bet, I feel like I have a boxing match going on. Matt had a few special moments this week. He called it his daddy daughter time. I was sleeping and Matt was up working late and came into bed after I did and each night this week he touched my tummy to say good night and instantly the girls started kicking him... Like they knew it was him. I'm not going to lie, it was pretty cute.
Baby Dreams: I had a dream that Matt and I went to France on a baby moon and I went into labor while in France and I was so mad that my doctor left, don't worry we are not leaving Naperville or the Chicago area any time soon.
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