I'm home and so happy to be home. My body cooperated and the medicine (indocin) they gave me along with some fluids, rest, and monitoring worked. Baby girls are still all snuggly in the womb and hopefully aren't going to make a surprise appearance for another few weeks. My doctor is hoping for at least another 4 more weeks which puts me at about 34-35 weeks.... Much better than 30.
So now what.... Well I'm thankfully not on bedrest. I'm in "sit your butt down and relax" rest. So. O working, walking, lawn work, life and running around like I had been. Sometimes I think I can do it all, then my body reminds me when I'm pregnant it's a. It like glass, although I try to be tough. For some reason my body is just a bit more sensitive than others when I'm pregnant. Oh well if it means I can try to avoid having the girls in the NICU I will do what it takes. So if you're bored feel free to text, call, or e-mail me. I have plenty of time to catch up!
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