I had been having some cramps on Saturday night but I just chalked them up to growing pains, hello two babies, you can't really expect to feel nothing... And if you think that, well then you're crazy. For all the ladies who have never been pregnant it's just important to decipher what's normal and not normal, which isn't always easy. So anyways I had some cramping on Saturday evening and night but it went away so I just ignored it. I had a little more on Sunday morning, just light, and that too went away so I didn't think much of it. I then went to brunch with some friends and then when I got home after a few hours I had the cramps again late in the afternoon but this time they didn't go away. So without trying to totally panic I asked Matt what I should do when he got home from golfing. He said if I think I should call my doctor than just call, ok thanks for the help buddy. Jk he and I have the same mentality... If we just ignore things it will all go away. Except they weren't going away so I paged my doctor.
He thought it would be a good idea to come in and get monitored and make sure I wasn't having contractions and to make sure nothing seriously was wrong. So off we went and after being monitored the resident said I was just having uterine spasms and was maybe a little dehydrated but no contractions. So we agreed I was safe to go home and she was going to discharge me.
Well right before my nurse was going to take me off the monitor and and take my iv out my pain got worse so I told her that so she looked at the monitor and I was having contractions, not intense, not frequent but my "pain" meant more than something we could ignore. So they decided to keep me and monitor me and give me medicine (indocin) to stop the contractions. They also have been monitoring to make sure the babies are safe and don't need to be delivered emergently. So far so good. I'm status quo for now and will hopefully be going home tomorrow. I did get some steroid shots (more needles yay) just in case I go into labor early it will help with the twins lung development.
Sooo as always never a dull moment or easy walk in the park. I'm most likely going to be on bedrest or modified bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy but that's ok, perhaps I needed to slow down. I've been trying to do it all lately and maybe this was my body's way of saying oh no girl, you mustn't do that! So for now we are safe, not in labor, the babies are kicking, growing, and look great. I'll keep y'all updated.

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