I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the arrival of two little ones in just about a week but I just can't really grasp the thought of it still. So instead of laying low Matt and I spent our past weekend enjoying life as it is before it changes drastically in the next week.
Although we were not able to travel back to Michigan for the 4th of July festivities we made the best of it and enjoyed our weekend with lots of friends.
On Saturday Matt and I headed to the Northern Chicago Suburbs to visit my good friend Anna from college. She lives in Dallas so it's hard to see each other and our visits are far and few these days. Her family was nice enough to allow Matt and I to crash their family dinner and enjoy a nice evening with them. Another plus her boyfriend was also in town and I got to met him. Even at 36+ weeks it was such an enjoyable time together. Every time I actually get to see Anna I realize how much I miss her. Here we are... In rare form as we almost always are.
For 4th of July we hosted some of our friends that live in Naperville for some backyard grilling, bags, and booze. It wasn't quite the crazy 4th of July party since Matt has a two beer limit I have put him on "just in case I go into labor and he has to drive me to the hospital" but we all had a good time. Our town has a bug festival and had fireworks but we decided to nix that idea. The thought of having to walk a mile and fight a crowd of thousands to watch fireworks just did not seem appealing to me. So we sat in our backyard and watched the fireworks that our neighbors were shooting off. Surprisingly they were pretty good. I was impressed.
Here are some pictures from the day.

A little late but here is my weekly picture of 36 weeks. I also finished this week off my celebrating on Tuesday that I am DONE with my injections! No more fake hormones for me, no more Ivf needles, no more pokes from my husband for at least another year or two. That is until we will be ready for baby #3. Wahoooo!!!
How Far Along: 36 weeks 4 days
Total weight gained: 48 pounds. Matt and I have the ongoing joke of when will I finally surpass his weight. Right now we are neck and neck but by the end of this week I'm going to be able to say I'll take the reigning title of heavy weight champion!!
Cravings: i finally fulfilled my lemon cravings by making lemonade and ice box lemon pie. Both were delightful !!
Stretch Marks: I'm seeing just a few tiny ones on my left side of my belly button.
Sleep: oh pregnancy insomnia how you have gotten me bad this week. I have to set my alarm at 3:00 am every morning to take my medicine so instead of falling back asleep I have been up for 1-2.5 hours.
Nausea or Queasy: yes and I'm so so ready to be done puking. It was a bad week. Puking two times in a day about put me over the edge one morning
Wedding rings on or off: off
Signs of labor: hmm if only they were a little stronger. Cramping, Braxton hicks, just nothing more.
Gender: 2 baby girls
Looking forward to: if I still haven't had these little ones by this weekend Matt and I are going to go on our last and final date together as just the two of us
Belly Button in or out: just a tiny bit has started to protrude
Movement: yes and lots of it. My belly rolls all over.
Baby Dreams: hmmm I can't rememberComplaints: I started having numbness and tingling in my fingers... That's new and annoying. It's starting to be more like all day than just in the morning. Oh well. I can live with it. Just one more week and I'll have more to complain about like sleepless nights, c-section incision pain, a jiggly tummy, etc...
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