
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Due date!!!

Ok. This one clearly is a bit late, but here were my thoughts the day before my baby girls blessed us mad came into this world:

Today is the big day!!!

I can't believe 37.5 weeks ago, I was sitting in Dr. Miller's office waiting my 15 minutes, spread eagle in stirrups, hoping and praying that our two little embryos were going to stick.  I remember my first ultrasound... The ultrasound that they told me we had had a vanishing twin, and twin A wasn't going to make it, but twin B was.  She actually only gave us a picture of twin B because she was so sure. Only to hear a week or two later two tiny little heartbeats.  And wouldn't you know.. twin A has been the bigger baby this whole time (I have a feeling she is going to be the fiesty one).  And those two little heartbeats are what have kept me going each and every week.

I'm not sure that you ever really can prepare yourself for the arrival and delivery of multiples, but I do know one thing, I have not regretted implanting two.  Has it been an easy pregnancy? That's up for debate.  I have never in my life puked so much and the whole hospitalization thing kind of put a damper on the pregnancy.  But on the positive side it made me realize how much I needed to slow down if I wanted to not have premie babies. Other than that, I think I've embraced this pregnancy just like any other normal pregnancy.... Well kind of. 

I can say that I really do not like being prenant but even though I don't, there is something beautiful about it.  The rolls and kicks of two babies growing inside me reminds me each and every day how precious life is.   I've taken this week to reflect a lot on the past 4 years and how lucky I am that God gave me another opportunity at having a baby and blessed Matt and I with not one but two.

I remember after losing Collin at 22.5 weeks and 3 failed rounds of ivf another 2 miscarriages thinking whether or not I was ever going to be able to carry my own children.  Unconventionally I have this time with the help of an egg lady and I do not regret it at all.  I am trying to prepare myself a little for the proper reaction of "oh they don't look like you they look so much like Matt" or "oh wow she has your eyes". I know it will be a little hard to stomach and provide a tinge of pain the first time. However, this route has allowed Matt and me to expand our family and that is the most important thing to us. 

So here we go. We are literally walking out the door to drive to the hospital. In just a few short hours, we will be a family of four and oh boy are we ready. Prayers for a save delivery and two healthy little baby girls!

Here is the final belly pic that we took before we went to the hospital on Thursday morning. Whoa momma! (I know same outfit as last week, but lay off me. I am running out of close that fit!)

How Far Along: 37 weeks 5 days

Total weight gained:  55 pounds.
Cravings: not that I can think of.
Stretch Marks: No more than before 
Sleep: I slept terrible last night, which is not surprising given we are having these babies today.
Nausea or Queasy: of course. All the way until the end. 
Wedding rings on or off: off
Signs of labor: Not a single sign of it. We made it all the way!  
Gender: 2 baby girls
Looking forward to: hearing their first breath and cry.
Belly Button in or out: just a tiny bit has started to protrude 
Movement: yes and lots of it. My belly rolls all over. 
Baby Dreams: Not that I can remember.
Complaints: just ready for them to get here!


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