
Sunday, July 10, 2016

37 Weeks

I did it!  I made it to full term with these babies.  All the thoughts, prayers, no more work, decreased stress, and lazy days of laying low instead of running around like a crazy lady have finally paid off.  I really can't believe after two hospital stays that these little ladies are cozy and comfy inside their little wombs.  I know I'm running out of room, so I can only imagine what it feels like for them.

Matt and I celebrated this milestone by going on a coffee and dinner date.  We figured we better get one last date night in since it is going to be a while. Now we are just waiting.... 3.5 more days to go.  

How Far Along: 37 weeks 1 day

Total weight gained:  50 pounds. Boo hoo I finally surpassed Matt. 
Cravings: a brown sugar pop tart sounded pretty damn good the other day
Stretch Marks: I'm seeing just a few tiny ones on my left side of my belly button.  
Sleep: I stopped the procardia prescription so I am sleeping less and less... Not to mention the nerves of having twins in just a few short days is making for a rough nights sleep.
Nausea or Queasy: of course 
Wedding rings on or off: off
Signs of labor: I think these girls are in it for the long haul... See you Thursday!  
Gender: 2 baby girls
Looking forward to: hearing their first breath and cry.... My heart is going to sink and feel so full. I get a big lump in my throat and tears in my eyes just thinking about it. 
Belly Button in or out: just a tiny bit has started to protrude 
Movement: yes and lots of it. My belly rolls all over. 
Baby Dreams: I had a funny one this week.  I had a dream that we were adopting twins from Mexico. We had dropped two car seats off at the airport so when the twins arrived we could just pick them up from the airport attendant and head straight to the car.  Well when the airplane arrived and we got to finally meet our "new babies" they were in super old crappy car seats and I was so upset.  Rather than embrace the moment and take it in that I was able to see, hold, and hug, my own two new children I couldn't get over the car seats.  Thankfully this was just a dream and I woke up.  So stupid!!
Complaints: I am ready to be done... Thank goodness I don't have to go longer than is week



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