
Thursday, February 2, 2017

6 Month Update

It has been a while since I've had the time to actually sit down and blog about the girls.  Life is getting busier by the day with these two.  2 weeks ago we had the girls 6 month checkup.  I cannot believe it has already been 6 months but just like the saying goes "time sure does fly when you are having fun.  The girls were again very close in height and weight.  Emma weighed 14.7 lbs and Maddie weighed 14.10 lbs.  I cannot remember the exact heights but I think Emma was 23.75 and Maddie was 23.25.  So what's life in a nut she'll look like these days... oh where oh where do I even begin.

Let's see Emma had two teeth and two more on the way.  Maddie is trailing behind with none but the two bottom teeth look like they want to make their way out any day.  They both roll front to back and back to front and are working on sitting.  Right now they can only prop sit or sit up holding my hand. It sure will be nice once they can sit up!  A whole new look at life for them.  They both are attempting very very hard to crawl... thankfully for now without success.  This momma is not quite ready for crawling twins.  One I have not baby proofed the house and two yikes I'm going to be even busier.

The girls temperaments are definitely showing their true and different colors these days.  Maddie is still my cuddle queen and loves to be held. She finally stopped using my boob as a pacifier thank god and is no longer stuck to me like a leech.  Emma loves to cuddle and as fast as she gets comfortable for about 2 seconds she starts to wiggle her way out so she can play.  The girl is a ball of energy and her legs literally do not stop moving all day.  But beware when the girl is tired out her down for a nap or else she turns into a screaming hot mess.

They are just starting to really notice each other.  I'll put one in the jumperoo and the other in the exersaucer and for about 10 minutes or more they sit and talk with each other and laugh and giggle. The secret twin language has finally begun and my oh my will it melt your heart.

I know many enjoy reading about the girls and seeing pictures so I will try to be better about updating . Between loads and loads of laundry, breastfeeding, bottle feeding, pumping, play time, feeding them real people food, and working at night time doing some of my old nursing work I do not have a lot of free time


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