
Friday, November 11, 2016

Good Napper Bad Napper

I guess you take the good with the bad.  Maddie continues to sleep through the night but is a terrible napper.  Emma takes great naps but continues to wake 1 time to feed during the night.  

So what do I do now.  Emma goes down for her two naps no problem.  I breast feed both of them to sleep or at least to a drowsy state and put them in their cribs to nap.  Emma might stir and within a few minutes she is out.  Maddie on the other hand.... oh my my.  She may nap great (praise God for those days) for a solid two hours.  If she is having a bad napping day she will continue to cry or fuss until I hold her which also entails me whipping out my boob to comfort nurse her back to sleep and then she will sleep great in my arms.  

Sometimes I can lay her back down to sleep in her own crib and then other times no way.  I've tried the cry it out method... 5 minutes, 10, 20, etc.  

The longer I make her go the more mad she gets.  So for now I am embracing the needy baby as a way to slow down in life and enjoy this season as a mother.  To love her, nurture her, and hold and rock her to sleep.  The other part of me is thinking oh holy cow you idiot.  You're creating a napping nightmare !!  She will nap fine in the car or in the stroller so I guess I'll take the good with the bad for now.  

The problem with this... I NEVER get anything done.  The house always feels like a disaster or tornado has gone off.  

Oh well, the dishes can wait.  The laundry can build up.  This is why people say the first year of twins is So hard and on some days I totally get it and other days I think it is a piece of cake.
Maddie attempting to sleep on the couch 
Emma because she is just so darn cute


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