
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Emptying my pocket book

I don't talk much about our personal finances.  Matt and I have been blessed with two great jobs (he's an accountant and I am a nurse) but even so it sometimes feel like so much more money is going out rather than coming in.

Our agency required two installments for the payment of our donor agreement.  I paid the final part this week and oh my goodness I could think of about 100 things I would have loved to have spent that money on otherwise..  Down payment on a beautiful cottage, dream vacation abroad, saved up for our future kids college or weddings, the list goes on and on.

Our Journey through the infertility process has not been a cheap one.  We definitely have not chosen the cheapest route either but sometimes it is so frustrating to work so hard to get ahead financially only to dump thousands of dollars into trying to have a family with nothing to show.

At 28 and 29 most people that are married are living the DINK life.  For those that do not know what a DINK is it stands for Dual Income No Kids.  Matt and I had that for a few years post college and wooweee it was amazing.  Our friends that are currently experiencing that now I definitely am a little jealous of.

Now this post isn't to get pity its more just to share another aspect of infertility that most people don't see or think about.  In addition to all of the crazy emotions and stress I do tend to stress about the financial implications of IVF.  This January after I had cut back on my hours for work (by choice) and started freaking out about paying for all of the IVF bills I went a little crazy on "saving."  I always find humor in my pity/stressful life of trying to have kids so I started googling and pinning on pinterest ways to save money.

I started following some crazy blogs about families living off of $14,000 dollars a year and tried some of their tricks and techniques.  Matt was ready to kill me (just a little this past winter) but with some research and great ideas I started "frugally living." I might have gone a little over board (I cut the cable, bought a ROKU/OOMA, made homemade laundry soap, cut way back on groceries, created my own lean cuisines that came out to $0.27 per meal, to name a few.) but it worked! My mom and dad came to visit this winter and I think that they thought I had lost my mind but a girls got to do what a girls got to do to get those dang babies right!!

I really impressed myself and realized how easy it is to cut some corners.  I also started to do some new things to save or spend less because one day I would like to stay home with my babies and will eventually lose my salary so why not start early.  I will go into details another day on my "frugal living."

In addition to paying off the total amount with our donor agency I started my birth control last night.  We are inching forward and moving along.  Our next step is to finalize our agreement with our lawyer and hers to ensure full legal custody of the embryos that will hopefully be our future children.  

Hopefully in about 4 weeks we will start all of the medication and we will be making babies in no time!!!!


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